
Area of Rescue Systems to Protect Our Communities

Thursday, March 7, 2019 2:46 PM

Area of Rescue Systems to Protect Our Communities

BEC Integrated Solutions can offer many products to protect our communities. One such area is the Area of Rescue Systems that can maintain support and also contribute to the overall safety of society in general.

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TekTone Area of Rescue System and What it Can Offer Your Community

TekTone Area of Rescue Systems can help to connect those in urgent need with emergency and security personnel.

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Wireless Panic Alarm System: An Answer for Miami’s Ugly Vice

It’s more than sandy beaches and a beautiful city. It’s our home. Miami is always a good idea and yet there is a growing problem that threatens our city. Crime. That’s why government officials are beginning to look for answers to combat the violence and sexual assault happening in many hotels and resorts around the city. In fact, some government officials are pushing to require these places to have a wireless panic alarm system.

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