The United States has “57 times as many school shootings as the other major industrialized nations combined.” Demands from parents and communities for a standardized system of security are transforming the American educational perspective. These stats show a dramatic escalation in the number of school shootings and school security basics, also known as regulations, are peculiarly insufficient. Parents are expecting changes—changes that will allow for the safety and well-being of their children and the freedom to learn without fear of violence or the everlasting trauma that comes with lock-down drills.

What are the current regulations and what additional regulations are expected? “Very few states have actually passed anything since Feb. 2014, and even fewer states have talked about how they’re going to fund the legislation they did pass,” Ben Gorban, a policy analyst at the Police Foundation, explained.” — Campus Safety Magazine What can we, as parents, do to help?

Get involved—activisim aids in the guidance of communities steering them in the right and just direction. Parents and communities are mobilizing and deliberating on how to properly keep their children and the community safer from the threat of gun violence. The number one concern across the country is school security and school boards and city councils are meeting to undertake this matter: “Any and all ideas are on the table.” Communities are assembling and appointing committees and are pleading with parents to get involved in helping to protect the school and the community. Help your community by participating in your school or city council and assert your child’s safety and future.

How can BEC Integrated Solutions help?

BEC Integrated Solutions can provide schools with the essential tools needed for the security and safety of students, staff, and the greater community.

BEC Integrated Solutions can transform your school and community into a safe place with a wireless duress alarm system, including centralized main security for up to 65,000, linked with pagers and cell phones, that provide for instant communication in emergency situations.

With additional features such as remote access and wireless pendants, our School Security Wireless Duress Alarm System can supply your school with the tools needed to keep your students and staff safe and in constant communication.

Additional features can include fire, smoke, glass breakage and water detectors. These school wireless duress alarm features allow for rooms unmonitored by humans to be protected 24 hours a day.

Contact BEC Integrated Solutions for a free quote today.