When it comes to patient care, you need all components to be working in conjunction to be able to provide the best service and care to your patients. Think of it like a three-legged barstool, if one of the legs isn’t working properly, the chair is going to wobble and eventually fall over. The same is true in having a three-pronged approach to successful healthcare service. Those three branches of success are found in medical staff, adequate facilities and intuitive technological systems. We know your facility is what is needed for your patients and we know you have a great staff working for you. We’re here to talk about that third leg of the stool in our ResidentGuard technology. This patient care system will enhance the overall security and care of your patients as it is able to effectively track and monitor patients in your facility. 

ResidentGuard Wander Management

ResidentGuard Takes Patient Care to the Next Level

This year, reports estimate 60% of elderly and dementia patients will wander with some falling and being injured. With court settlements averaging $400,000 in damages, it is important to have all of your bases covered in doing everything you can for the care of your patients. With ResidentGuard technology, our system keeps your protected zones intact, ensuring the safety of your patients is never in question. 

So what makes our ResidentGuard one of the top care and security systems on the market today? To start, our system comes with pendants and tags that help track patients and send alerts in case of an emergency or fall. These tags are waterproof, allowing your staff to perform usual tasks of bathing and other washing without fear of damaging the tags. Each ResidentGuard tag is equipped with LED signaling which gives visual indication as to whether or not the tag is working properly. Next, our ResidentGuard comes with door controllers to help limit patient wandering. As a patient is moving in your facility, their tag will communicate with door stations around the area and will lock if a patient isn’t allowed to access that portion of the facility. Residents who wander into undesignated areas will have an alarm sounded, allowing your staff to respond quickly in handling the situation. Lastly, our ResidentGuard can be integrated with nurse call stations and other medical systems to provide that extra level of care and security for your patients. 

Get a Free Quote for Your ResidentGuard System

Give your patients the freedom to move around your facility while also giving your staff peace of mind to be able to fulfill their duties without having to constantly worry about the well-being of their patients. We’re confident our ResidentGuard system will give you the technology needed to provide an elite level of care for the patients in your medical facility. Use our free online quote tool to design a customized ResidentGuard system for your needs!