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DuraGlo 9900 Call Cord, 1/4" phone plug, white, single, 7'

DuraGlo is the only call cord in the industry with glowing bands to help your residents locate their call cord in dark rooms! DuraGlo can glow up to four hours in total darkness. Built on the same solid platform as our popular DuraCall Call Cords. Works with any nurse call system.
  • INFO
  • DuraGlo 9900 Call Cord, 1/4" phone plug, white, single, 7'

    Patient communication is a vital part of any healthcare facility. At BEC Integrated Solutions, we provide the tools and call cords needed to be able to provide a reliable connection for patients to communicate with nurses and other medical staff. These call cord products are reliable and affordable and have been utilized by hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and a variety of other medical facilities all around the world.

    DuraGlo 9900 Call Cord, 1/4" phone plug, white, single, 7' Features:

    • Easily locate in dark rooms
    • Recharges with light exposure
    • Requires no power or batteries
    • FDA Listed