School Emergency Panic System: Everyday Safety at Affordable Prices

Safety is a chief concern among students and teachers in our everyday society. With occurrences of school shootings and other violent episodes, what can be done to increase safety while also understanding budgetary concerns? The answer can be solved in part with a School Emergency Panic System from BEC Integrated Solutions.

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Shopping Mall Panic Alarm: Steady Security in the Hustle and Bustle

With some malls experiencing limited budgets and staff, how can you protect those shoppers and send out emergency communication in case of a breach? That’s where we come in. With the shopping mall panic alarm system from BEC Integrated Solutions, each shopping mall is protected and connected with the ability to call for help should the need arise. Our shopping mall panic alarm is an affordable solution for retail and other stores looking to enhance security.

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The Verdict Is In on Courtroom Alarm Systems

Tuesday, April 17, 2018 8:00 AM

The Verdict Is In on Courtroom Alarm Systems

A courthouse is filled with activity on a daily basis. As lawyers, judges and security personnel do their jobs, there is a lot of activity in people going and coming from the building. Security is always a priority in courtrooms, but are facilities properly equipped the way they should be in the case of an emergency? 

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The Question We Should be Asking for School Safety Systems

What solution could be put in place that would provide security protection, fast emergency communication and also be an affordable solution for educational budgets? The answer is found in our school safety system from BEC Integrated Solutions.

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4 Applications of Our Panic Systems That Will Enhance Security

For over 20 years, BEC Integrated Solutions has been providing security products and systems to help enhance security at facilities both residential and commercial. Our line of panic systems will provide a secure system for your facility, while also allowing individuals to access panic alarms and other emergency notifications at the press of a button. 

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