School Panic Alarm System: An Answer to School Shootings

Recent events have left the country asking, what can be done to keep our children safe at school? Ideas and solutions come from all sides with the hope that another senseless tragedy could possibly be prevented. What is the answer? We’d like to offer a solution that can help schools and universities stay safe by providing a reliable and affordable security solution. Our school panic alarm 

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3 Features of a Church Panic System

Thursday, February 22, 2018 8:00 AM

3 Features of a Church Panic System

It happens in an instant. One moment, the usual events of a Sunday morning church service is shattered as a gunman enters the congregation and begins firing. Within seconds, this sacred place of peace has turned into a desperate cry for survival. But instead of joining the endless debate on gun control, ministries and other religious centers can benefit from a church panic system from BEC Integrated Solutions.

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School Duress Alarm System: Hope in the Midst of Chaos

Saturday, February 17, 2018 8:00 AM

School Duress Alarm System: Hope in the Midst of Chaos

School shootings are an ever-present reality in our society today. It seems as though every couple of months, television screens are lined with horrific images of those suffering at the hands of a deranged individual who seeks to kill as many as possible. Aside from the debates of how to prevent these tragedies, we’d like to offer a security solution that could help in emergencies with our School Duress Alarm System. 

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TekTone Area of Rescue System: The Best in Emergency Communication

In an emergency, seconds become that much more important. Whether it is a fire, medical or safety emergency, the split-second decisions made by those present at the scene could mean the difference between life and death. That’s why we employ the TekTone Area of Rescue System to help connect those in need with security and emergency response personnel. 

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Wireless Duress Alarm System: Don’t Stress, Just Duress

We all like to know what is happening, who is around and what challenges we’ll face throughout the day. But life just isn’t like that all the time is it? We can’t control if there will be traffic on our morning commute? We can’t control if it will rain or what will happen with the stock market. What you can control is your security system for your home or office with our Wireless Duress Alarm System.

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